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Privacy Policy

Last updated 2022-05-24 (“we”) are committing to protecting and respecting your data. This privacy policy (included with our Terms and Conditions and other referred documents within them) is used as a baseline for how we collect data from you, or that you provide to us, and will be processed by us. Please read all documents carefully to understand how we practice and view your data and how we will treat it. Regarding the Data Protection Act 1998, the data processor and the data controller are KingVirrDesign, a registered company in Sweden for VAT and owner of RoyalWarGame.Com. RoyalWarGame is collecting user data to improve the website, understand its usage, and improve its services. The optional data collection controlled by the cookie settings is used to improve our advertising to get a better understanding of who might be interested in our website, and services. The owner of is KingVirrDesign, a registered company for VAT in Sweden.

Data we might collect

Depending on if you are a visitor, registered user, or registered designer we might collect different data. For a visitor (a person that is not logged in) we collect the minimum information and is based on only the cookie settings. Read more under the Cookies section. For a registered user and designer, we collect and store additional information to follow the required laws to handle purchases and sales. This is information filled in using forms, submitting inquiry forms, or requesting help. An example of typical data collected upon registration is:

  • First and Last name (registeredon the login options account)
  • Email address State and Country
  • Profile Picture (can be deleted on the Settings page)
Additional personal information such as username, bio information, and similar can be submitted by you under the Settings page. Why is not the password mentioned? We simply do not use passwords here. Read more in the section “How we store your information”.

For a registered user we show all data stored in our GUI (web) for the user to be as transparent as possible. That said, data stored on a purchase/sale is only an id towards Stripe/PayPal and not any credit card information sins we do not handle that information in our data storage. But is instead handled by Stripe/PayPal based on the option of purchase or payout. Typical data registered on a visit are:
  • IP
  • Date and time of visit
This is for calculating what VAT should be applied to your price based on the service fee for the seller and is required for the page to function.

VAT is a platform allowing private designers, sole purpose businesses, or corporations to sell objects to you as a customer. does not stand for the VAT fee for the customer but is instead handled by the seller itself. If you need any recipes you must take contact your seller. does only handle VAT for the service fee for each transaction which is the cost of selling an object on the platform. This fee is not applied if the seller is a registered business and has applied for its VAT number. or KingVirrDesign does not help or stand accountable for any VAT or sell questions for the seller itself.

Messages and Comments

Private messages, comments on products, and emails will be stored even after an account is deleted, but in an anonymous way inform that the account is “deleted” or similar.

Generated information

When using the website based on your cookie settings we might automatically generate information based on your visit, how long you stay, and where you navigate. This is to understand how different areas of the world are using the page and to help us improve our services.


We use cookies for a few different reasons. Some are for keeping track that who are you and with that information displays the correct information on the different pages. Other is for understanding our user's movement and where we can improve. The cookies fall in under different categories that you can separately control to allow some, disable some, and a few are necessary for the service to correctly work.

We have categorized the cookies we use, or will/may use in the following way:

Strictly necessary cookies

Cookies we use for our login service. It will tell the website who you are and allow you to reach your purchases, your personal information and pages, and store your future purchases onto the correct account. These cookies can not be disabled.

Performance cookies

Collects anonymous information about our users in a broader more general way to allow us to understand what you all like, or not. They can be anonymous recordings of how our customers navigate, where they enter or leave the website, and where problems or irritation might occur.

Functionality cookies

These stores no personal information that can not be liked to you as a user, but instead help remember options that you made on the website that is not stored in the database. These help us give you a better stay on the webpage and allows the page to be more custom next time you arrive and have not logged in. So you still get the same welcoming feel.

Targeting or advertising cookies

Collects information about your browsing habits to help us understand what kind of ads might be more appropriate to be shown to you as a user. They remember the websites you have visited and this will be shared with, but not limited to, advertising parties. It will also help us understand how we should write our own ads for targeting new customers and help the website grow.

You always have the right to withdraw any settings you have made regarding cookies, even the necessary. To remove the cookies search on how to delete/remove cookies from your specific browser. These settings are often found under the “Privacy” section under options/preferences. By changing or deleting these cookies the service/website might break or not work as intended and leave you with an unwanted experience.

How we use your information

Your data provided to the website is used to provide you with our services and handle any communication between you and the community. For example, login services, purchased products, and claiming products from campaigns outside of is examples of how we connect the information to your account. When commenting, liking, following, sharing, downloading, or paying for a product your username (or standard full name if not changed under settings) will be shared with other members. We do not share your email address with other members, but if your email is used to share a product to your account from ex a campaign on a crowd sharing platform like Kickstarter or a subscription, like Patreon, your username will be displayed upon claiming the product.

For designers, all payouts are done using PayPal, and your registration email will be used for this purpose. a base email is registered on registration, provided by the login provider. This can be changed on the settings page.

Our servers collect information regarding usage and analytics for the sole purpose of helping us improve and understand areas for improvement for our website and services. We might also generate statistical dan demographical data with anonymous data to understand the website and services, but also our customers.

We value your data and follow these base guidelines when processing your data:

  • We are doing this with your consent, and your consent can be redrawn under the settings page. This includes both your data and cookies (cookie settings can be found on this page.)
  • Preparing an agreement with you
  • Leagal obligations souch as transactions, pourchases and similar

When ordering products, to make it possible for the seller to process the purchase, the seller will receive the required personal information to process and undertake their full obligation to deliver their service. This might include shipping addresses, full name, country, and/or IP. This might be:

  • Your full name, Username, Email, and other profile information that you provided
  • Messages sent to the creator
  • Your physical address (usually for physical products)
  • Phone number (usually for physical products, for delivery notifications)
  • All key information of the transaction, including amount, date, and transaction id BUT NOT YOUR CARD INFORMATION (sins we do not handle this information anyway)

We might disclose the collected personal data if it is required by law, court, regulations, or government authority. This might include, but not only be VAT-related, transactions, anti-money laundering, anti-pirating, and so on cases.

In case of that we would buy or sell any business or assets, we might disclose your personal data to the seller or buyer of those business assets.

We might exchange information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

In some cases, we are by law required to obtain personal data to be able to fulfill our service with you. In these cases, we can not proceed with the service until the required data is provided. an example would be the VAT registration number for removing a VAT of service fees for non-EU-based companies. Other applications might apply.

Where and how do we store your data

The data is stored digitally on so-called databases, in server halls of the service provider. Information requested by law, such as economic transactions will be stored in example tax reports digitally, and may also be stored in paper form. In the nature of the internet, unfortunately, the transmission of information is not completely secure. We can not guarantee the security of your data while transmitted to our site. Although we try our best to protect your information and protect it from unauthorized access when stored at our service by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to make your personal information as secure as possible from data loss, and/or illegal data attacks. With that said, we do our best to store as little information as possible. So if an unauthorized attack would succeed on our servers, the information leaked is as little as possible. All data will be handled by EU personnel and may also be stored, transferred, and handled outside the EU as well. This would for example be by employees or service requests by the service providers outside of the company. By submitting your personal data, you agree to transfer, store, or process your data.

For How long will we keep this information

We do not keep your information longer than necessary. That said we try to keep the information to a minimum and not store unnecessary information that is not required by law or for the service ( to function as mentioned in the Privacy Policy. If you want to receive the data stored about you, you can send an inquiry using the settings page when logged in.

We are by law required to store transaction data for a minimum of seven years. This data can not be changed or deleted by Swedish law.

All data not protected by law can be redrawn by you as a user by using the “delete account” section on the settings page. This will remove all data that is not used by the declaration and money transactions (sales, purchases, payouts, business VAT registrations number). Until redrawn, we will store this data.

Depending on the cookie we will not store your data for more than 6 months.

Age restriction

You must be 16 years of age to consent to processing your personal data in your country. This is also the age restriction for creating an account on If you are under the age of 16 years old, you need your parents or guardians to consent to this on your behalf. In doubt, we may require you to verify your age to proceed to use our services. This might be sending documentation or other types of verification of your registered age.

Access to information about you

By law, you have the right to receive all data about yourself. You can get the information that we have linked to your account when logged in, account -> settings -> privacy settings. For security reasons, we reserve the right to get an extra verification of your id to make sure the personal information reaches the right person. That said. We try our best to make the platform as transparent as possible, and most of the data collected about you, that can be linked to you as a user, will in some way be displayed directly on the platform for the logged in user.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

At any time we might change how we collect and use personal information. Any changes that we make to our privacy policy will be posted to our Privacy Policy page (this one), and the “last updated” will be updated with when the page where updated. This information may also be emailed to our users if appropriate. It is important that you stay updated with this page. If you change your mind regarding your agreement to the privacy policy, you need to delete your account and stop using our services.


If you have any questions och suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy (but not get personal information). You are more than welcome to email us:, ownd by KingVirrDesign,
registerd for VAT in Sweden
Västerlanda Hagen 181
463 93 Västerlanda


To improve and help build a better experience for you, we are using cookies. If you continue to browse the website without changing the settings you are accepting the standard use of cookies. You can read more about our cookies here!