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Designer Tools


To simplify the process from design to sold item we do our best to implement streamlined and easy-to-use tools that will help you sell your awesome products as single or collections.

Single Product

Create products that you want to sell to the community. You can set both a regular for a private use license or even add a commercial license that will give the buyer the right to print and sell physical 3d printed versions. When selling with a commercial license the buyer can simply prove that he or she has all rights to do so on other platforms. Allowing for fair and correct trading of your creations.

Reward Delivery

You can create a collection to send out specific products to your Kickstarter, Patreon, or other crowdfunding platform backers! These collections can both be private, or public.

Late Pledges

Collections are a great way to handle late pledges from crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. Point your late pledge link to your collection and allow users to join in on the fun after the pledge time has run out!


Create collections and sell your creations for a discounted price if bought as a collection!


Create discounts on products within a collection. We hate when other companies try to make it easy to forget to use the discount. Their fore all discounts are always automatically added to the customer's order, and if you have multiple discounts that affect the bought product, more valuable for the customer is used. Discounts can be general for all customers, or if pro, to specific customers.


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