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Royal War Game does not just sell STL files and related products, it is made for those who love boardgames, war games or just paint minis and busts. Our goal is to allow both users and designers to enjoy and grow together to create a positive environment for creativity and epic battles at the kitchen table!


Made with love

It is important to us that this platform keeps to its roots, but still allows for improvements. Our passion for code, wargames, miniature sculpting, and painting combined with yours is what will make this an awesome place!

For everyone

We strive for a community where everyone is welcome. No matter your birthplace, economics, love, health, and so on, you're welcome here to express your love and "nerdiness" for the hobby!


The designers get 80% before VAT on each sold item! The remaining 20% goes to payment processing, servers, and development. So you know that your support will encourage the creator to keep on going.


We do not lock our designers to our own platform, they are free to sell where ever they want! We also want to grow together and help content creators get better reach on other platforms! There we are proud to show their content on other platforms like Instagram, Patreon, Kickstarter, and so on!


Our goal is to involve everyone t make this platform as good as possible both for players, painters, and creators! We do our best to create tools and features to allow us all to express our creativity. Why not join our Discord and start chatting?


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