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How It Works

The Royal Way

1. Discover

Find fantastic miniatures from our talented designers and makers

2. Access

Direct access to your miniatures without any hustle

3. Hobby

Print, paint and share your new miniatures and creations

Working STL files

The STL files are always test-printed by us, the designer or our members! So you can get new minis that work. Becouse we do know that the printer does not allways do the same...

Support the Creators

When buying your miniatures and game-related objects, you support the creator at the same time! Because most of the sale value goes to the creator. 80% before VAT is applied to be more precise.




Upload your creations and sell them! you get 80% before vat is applied. Simple as that. If we do not support your file type or creations yet and you think it belongs to wargaming, DnD, miniature or bust painting... get in contact with us and we might add it to the page!


We do our best to support the best workflows in the market to upload and sell your creations. Need a platform to release your miniatures to your Kickstarter backers, Patrion releases, or other platforms? We got it covered! Read more here!


Paint and Play

Be proud of your painted miniatures, busts, and dioramas or why not take a photo of the miniatures in action on the game table? Share what you paint and use them for and let everyone know how you enjoy the hobby! Both on the platform and in our Discord!


Compete in different painting and design activities hosted by the platform or the community! And if you host different competitions on ex Instagram, add your giveaway or competition, and it might be promoted on our page! Read more about adding competitions here


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